Squirrel animals of rodent characterized by guilt and drew harsh short and eyes large and exists in the world in three forms, namely squirrel tree squirrel, flying squirrel land be two hundred and sixteen species, and all kinds of feed grain, fruits and sprouts plants and Faqa and types of nuts, seeds, pine trees and wheat as well as white birds. In Jordan, who is the type tree squirrel live in the forests, especially in the Twins and Ajloun a very cautious type is not ashamed loves appearance and trying to move away from them if people Therefore, it is difficult to see or determine its place among the trees unless fired cries appeal, which issues the When Intabh feeling of fear and alarm and different-colored squirrels by the environment in which they live and usually range between colour equation to Browning and dark brown. Squirrel numbers have decreased significantly in Jordan and moved to extinction, and qualities that compile seeds found in a hole in the ground covered with earth to have food ready in seasons where there are. It builds nests high in trees or in hollowed tree trunks and the format nest section. Carrying female twice a year and have up to four kids at a time. And the life of squirrel could extend to fifteen years.